Club Form

Northbridge Middle School Sport Booster Club
Northbridge Music Booster Club

* Please note: Club fees are due after you have confirmation of a seat in the program. Club descriptions and details will be shared throughout the year.  Stay tuned.

Current Club Offerings

Art Club -

  • Art club is an opportunity for students to share a love of art, self-expression, and a passion for creating their own personal style. Members will be involved in school and community projects to enhance their sense of self while helping others. It is a great way to meet like-minded artists and not-yet-artists who are enthusiastic about creating and having fun! Painting, sculpture, and more. No previous art experience required.

  • Art club will begin on Wednesday, October 2nd and will meet 2:15-3:30. Contact Ms Flanagan for more information

Broadcasting Club -

  • Broadcasting Club is a group of students working on news articles and short videos to promote the events at NMS. Beginners welcome. No prior knowledge is necessary and you do not need to bring along any equipment.  We will start with some "Green Screen Video Projects" and learn how to use the ipads and 4K camera for recording. We will use the Video Editor program that is free on Windows machines along iMovie on the iPads and the iMac machine located in the MakerSpace

  • Dates: Thursdays - 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12 and 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27

  • Questions?  Contact Mrs. Gogolinski

Chorus & Band  - no club form needed

Robotics Club - 

  • Beginners Welcome. No prior experience needed. Spend time after school in the computer lab exploring current technology. Topics like Scratch Computer Programming, Stop Motion and  Robotics will be explored. Students will have access to Spheros, Ozobots, Lego Mindstorm and We Do Robots.  

  • 25 Seats in Club - Contact Mrs. Gogolinski with any questions

  • Dates: 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 and 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Girls Who Code - no club form needed

Girls Who Code is an organization which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science. Girls Who Code is a free club that will meet monthly. The members of the club will explore Computer Science topics, learn about prominent computer scientists in the industry and create apps, programs and web pages together. Club meets in the MakerSpace Room 107 once a month for 1.5 hours. 2pm - 3:30pm

This club is FREE and there is no need to register, just simply email Mrs. Gogolinski so she will send you the information.

Dates: 10/2, 11/6, 12/4, 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 4/9, 5/7

Flag Football - Currently Full

  • This club runs on Saturday, starting September 21, 2024 for 9 weeks.   Any questions? Contact Mr. Brochu 

National Junior Honor Society -

  • The purpose of NJHS is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to provide service, promote leadership, develop character, and encourage good citizenship in the students of middle schools. NJHS members complete volunteer hours in the school and community.  Current members - meetings begin 9/9 (second Monday of the month).  New candidates applications available in December.   Any questions? Advisor: Mrs. Wermuth 

Student Council -

  • Community service based group that focuses on school community and events. Visit this webpage for more information and the Google Form Application. All applications are due by 2:00pm on Friday, September 13th. Student Council is selected through a student application process, usually the third week of school.  Contact Mrs. Joncas or Ms. Spadaro for more information.

Tabletop Gaming Club -  

  • The NMS Tabletop Gaming Club will meet Thursdays starting on 9/19 for returning members and 9/26 for new members from 2:00-4:00. Our focus is Dungeons & Dragons, but we also have numerous board games. Fill out the interest survey on our CLUB Website FAQ’s or contact Mr. Silvestri with your questions.

Yearbook Committee

  • Join NMS Yearbook Club to help out with the 2024 - 2025 yearbook.  The club will meet approximately every Wednesday to collect photos and design the pages of the book. All welcome to join.  We would like representatives from grades 6 - 8. No prior experience needed.  Fill out the club form found at and join today! Please contact Ms Kelly-Keegan with any questions.

  • Please send along any photos you would like included to


Dance & Cheer-

Drama Club -

  • Interested in acting? Set design? Lights and Sound? More information to come.

Makers Club - Bridges

  • Work with others learning about bridge design and strength techniques.  In small groups design and build a bridge to test at a local competition that Boston Society for Civil Engineers runs.

  • Dates:

  • Questions?  Contact Mrs. Wermuth

Ski Club- Winter 2024- Contact Mr. Hay with any questions.

Student ADVISORY Club -

  • Group of students who will meet regularly to discuss and support school procedures & policies. Contact Mr. Stien for more information. There is no cost to join this club.

VolleyBall Club -

  • More Information can be found here - LINK 

  • Club meets on Thursdays from 2:15-3:30, 10 Sessions: March - May

  • Contact Mrs. McNeil for more information.

Past and/or Possible Future CLUB OFFERINGS:

International Club-

  • In the multicultural/Spanish club, students will research various countries and cultures of their interest. We will look at holidays around the world, art, food, laws etc. of countries around the world. We will also take half of the meeting to work on learning Spanish. We will have a wide range of activities including board games, creating our own countries, mapping and drawing various countries, puzzles and more.

Intramural Sport Club  -

LGBTQ+ Friends Club -

  • Our mission will be to provide a safe space for students to discuss ways to navigate challenges, promote community building, bring awareness, and invest in school culture. There is no cost to join this club.

    Math Club -

    • Join the NMS Math Club! This is a great way to explore math concepts in a fun and engaging environment. The focus will be on playing games and competing against our fellow classmates. Don’t miss this opportunity! See Mrs. Zuliani if you are interested

    NMS Makers Market  -

  • Watch for more information about this potential NEW club designed for making, marketing, and selling a product.  Tentatively February to May. Contact Mrs. Wermuth for more information..