SOM- littles

The following students were recognized as Student of the Month for September, honoring the character trait of "Respect":

Victoria Arauojo, Alexander Arena, Alia Barwinski, Kira Barwinski, Noah Booker, Judah Brady, Ethan Calo, Katherine Cavaliere, Zeylahni Damon, Leah Dempsey, Gianna DeVita, Cole Halcisak, Cecelia Grotevant, Addison Hoffart, Greyson Leto, Cameron McDonnell, Hazel McMurray, Abraham Menard, Ava Naglieri, Hadley Nowak, Devin Pearce, Asim Pelkey, Riley Polucha, Riley Powers, Emilia Pratt, Luke Reilly, Antonio Seizo, Nora Sheridan, Colby Smith, Penny Smith.

Congratulations! Thank you families, for your support at home in instilling this trait into your child(ren).